Help Camille Reach Her Goal


Message From Camille

I know you’re very busy so I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this. As you may know, my name is Camille Harris and I am  17 years old. I’m currently working on my gold award for Girl Scouts, which is the highest award a Girl Scout ambassador can earn in the United States. It gives me a chance to take action in my community and make a serious impact on several lives. Within this project I must complete a total of 80 hours of service, educate a community, and leave something behind that can be put into action every day once I graduate and seek my future.
I interned at my mom’s job at The Lucy Pet Foundation, over the summer of 2014 and completely fell in love with animals. The Lucy Pet Foundation is a mobile nonprofit organization that performs free and or low-cost spay and neuters in low-income areas. Ultimately this will statistically decrease the amount of euthanasia nationwide lowering the 80,000 cats and dogs euthanized every week. Her job made me very aware of the issue of euthanasia and how it impacts not only the nation but the world as a whole.  This led me to realize what I wanted to base my project on and hopefully make a big change to this problem.
My goal is to construct a holding van equipped with cages that will follow behind the mobile spay and neutering clinic where surgeries are performed at The Lucy Pet Foundation. By doing this, I will be able to increase the amount of animals that are able to be taken care of at once, providing a space for the animals to wait in before surgery and post operation.
With the help of donations, I will be able to reach my goal!  If you are capable of making any contribution no matter the size it will be extremely appreciated and put towards a project that will change the lives of many animals.  Even if you are unable to donate, please pass on this link to others to publicize and educate them about my project.  Thank you for your time and support!

Funds Raised Towards $15,000 Goal


Help Camille Raise Funds for expansion of The Lucy Pet Foundation’s Mobile Spay & Neuter holding capacity for animals brought in for procedures.
